BEHOLD: Photographs from The Permanent Collection

About the Exhibition
100 contemporary masterpieces from The Permanent Collection of The Museum of Contemporary Photography. The exhibition includes prints by such contemporary American photographers as: Ansel Adams, Harold Allen, James Alinder, David Avison, Arthur Bell, Martin Benjamin, Harry Callahan, Patty Carroll, Larry Clark, Barbara Crane, Grey Crawford, Bill Dane, Avery Danziger, Bruce Davidson, Roy DeCarava, Jed Devine, John Divola, Jonas Dovydenas, Elliott Erwitt, Robert Flick, Steven Foster, Lee Friedlander, Frank Gohlke, Robert Heinecken, Joseph Jachna, Angela Kelly, Jay King, Danny Lyon, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Barbara Morgan, Nicholas Nixon, David Plowden, and Jerry N. Uelsmann, among others.
Image Gallery